About The Pigs

Rare Heritage Breeds
Our pigs are Large Blacks, Gloucestershire Old Spots, and Tamworths. These breeds are quite old and now rare. Pork from these breeds is more moist and has a better flavor and texture than the pork from conventional hybrids.
It may seem odd to use rare breed pigs for pork, but these breeds simply will not survive unless a market for these animals can be created. Already 6 of the 15 breeds of pigs raised in the United States in the 1930s are extinct.
For more information about conserving breeds of farm animals, contact the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (www.albc-usa.org).
Factory farms breed pigs to produce the greatest amount of meat for the lowest cost, regardless of the need for genetic diversity or the quality of the meat. The resulting product is a standard size, color, and flavor, however dull that may be.